Craig A. Anderson


Iowa State University
Department of Psychology

Craig A. Anderson, Ph.D.
Distinguished Professor


B.A. 1976 Butler University

M.A. 1978 Stanford University
(advisor: Lee Ross)


Ph.D. 1980 Stanford University
(advisor: J. Merrill Carlsmith)

Craig Anderson


Books Now Online

2022: Miles-Novelo, A. and Anderson, C. A. (2022). Climate Change and Human Behavior: Impacts of a Rapidly Changing Climate on Human Aggression and Violence. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. 

2020: Plante, C., Anderson, C. A., Allen, J. J., Groves, C. L., & Gentile, D. A. (2020). Game On! Sensible Answers about Video Games and Media Violence. Free pdf version: Game On! Sensible Answers about Video Games and Media Violence. Ames, Iowa: Zengen LLC Publishing. ISBN#: 9781700281944.

2007: Anderson, C. A., Gentile, D.A., & Buckley, K.E. (2007). Violent Video Game Effects on Children and Adolescents: Theory, Research, and Public Policy. New York: Oxford University Press.

Here is a link to the Children & Screens Webinar (2022) on Media Violence and its Impact on Youth (Youtube).

Download a pdf of a 2019 talk on “7±2 Deadly Sins…” at Coe College by clicking here.
Download a pdf of a 2019 talk on “Global Warming and Violence” at ISU by clicking here.


Links to scales
Links to media violence statements by scientific societies

Links to climate change documents
News, Interviews ...


Publications from 1995 to the present Links to articles and chapters published in 1995 and later years, and “in press” works. This page also contains a link to various scales used in our research.
Pre-1995    Publications by domain Links to early publications categorized by research domain.
Pre-1995    Publications by year
Links to early publications in chronological order.
2018 ISRA Youth Violence Statement A statement that I helped write on risk factors for youth violence, for the International Society for Research on Aggression.
2014 SPSSI Media Violence Statement A statement I helped write with a research
summary on media violence for the Society for the
Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI).
2012 Presidential Address to the International Society for Research on Aggression
Web link (YouTube) 48 minutes
I delivered this address at the 2012 ISRA World Meeting, held in Luxembourg from July 17-21. The title of the address was: Video Game Effects on Attention, Aggression, and Helping.
2012 International Society for Research on Aggression  Media Violence Report As President of the International Society of Research on Aggression Media Violence Report, I appointed a Commission of top researchers to prepare a report on the scientific research about media violence effects. This link takes you to that report.
2012 Media & Technology Discussion (scroll to the bottom of the linked web page) This audio recording by Professors Victor
Strasburger, Ed Donnerstein, and Craig Anderson was
originally created for the continuing medical education
program by the American Academy of Pediatrics.
2011 Op-Ed article on Supreme Court Case (pdf)

Justice Breyer’s Dissent (pdf)

Professor Doug Gentile and I wrote this Op-Ed piece to help parents to distinguish the Supreme Court’s legal decision that States cannot require parental consent for children to purchase violent video games, from the scientific reality that such games do cause harm.This is the dissenting opinion by Justice Breyer, apparently the only Supreme Court Justice to carefully read and consider the research summary statement that was the Appendix in the Amicus Curiae brief linked below.
2010 Amicus Curiae Brief from California Senator Yee on Supreme Court Case
This pdf contains the “Friend of the Court” brief submitted on July 19, 2010 to the U.S. Supreme Court in the case of Schwarzenegger vs. Video Software Dealers Association. The brief makes extensive use of research on violent video game effects, and includes a statement (appendix) from leading scholars. Note that this statement merely summarizes the empirical research; it does not specifically address the legal or public policy issues.
2009 American Academy of Pediatrics Statement on Media Violence After several years of work, this revision of the Academy’s earlier statement was completed, passed, and released by the Academy. My Iowa State University colleague Doug Gentile and I did much of the updating and rewriting; pediatrician and media violence scholar Victor Strasburger served as the lead author and driving force.
2007 Book on Violent Video Games
My co-authors on this book are Doug Gentile and Katherine Buckley. The book can be ordered online from the Oxford University Press website, or Amazon. For reviews of this book click here.
Video Game Recommendations
A letter to parents, grandparents, and other individuals with questions about sources of good educational video games and concerns about violent video games and youths. It contains some recommendations and guidelines.
Current Classes
Course syllabi and related information on classes taught on a regular basis–intended primarily for students in these classes.
Research Interests
A listing of titles, citations, and abstracts of articles and chapters categorized by research topic. Note that this page has not been updated for years. For a complete listing of publications since 1995, go here.
Biographical Sketch
A brief sketch of educational background, employment history, awards, and research interests.
Tips on buying video games Print version of an NBC TV Omaha News 6 story on “Expert Tips on Buying Video Games” for children, Nov. 23, 2009.
Video Game Violence FAQs 15 frequently asked questions (and answers) about the effects of exposure to violent video games.
APA Resolution on Violence in Video Games An August 2005 press release on the American Psychological Association’s call for a reduction of violence in video games used by children and adolescents, and the full resolution, in pdf format. alternative link
Climate Change Documents A few documents on climate change and violence
News Reports, Interviews…
Heat & Mental Health podcast A 29-minute podcast from the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, December, 2023. Link
Colleague Dr. Wayne Warburton story on working with video game addicted kids. A 29-minute video on his work with 6 children can be viewed here. Link
The Hamilton Review: Where Kids and Culture Collide.  Podcast title: Dr. Craig A. Anderson Weighs in on Children and Violent Video Games. Link
Does hot weather lead to increased violence? An online news story in by reporter Deena Theresa, based on interviews with Distinguished Professor Craig A. Anderson. Here is a link to a pdf of the story.
The Uninhabitable Earth: Climate Change and Your Future

September 2, 2021

A 73 minute symposium held at Iowa State University, describing some of the impacts and actions that can be taken to mitigate this massive problem.
Impact of Media Violence

September 18, 2019

A one-hour interview and Q&A with Gloria DeGaetano, CEO of the Parent Coaching Institute.
Climate Change and Violence

February 13, 2019

Press release by Iowa State University on the likely effects of rapid global warming on violent behavior. Three pathways to increased violent crime, intergroup violence, and war are described. Link to new research article.

Des Moines Register story.

Youth Violence Risk Factors & Mass Shootings. March 23, 2018
Iowa State University Professors Craig Anderson & Douglas Gentile were interviewed by Grayson Schmidt of the Ames Tribune about mass shootings and the need for policy to be based on scientific findings. Here is the link to the story.
School Shootings, Mental Illness
March 20, 2018
Iowa State University Professors Douglas Gentile and Craig Anderson were interviewed by ABC-TV-Des Moines reporter Rafael Lopez on mass shootings, mental illness, and risk factors for aggressive and violent behavior. Here is the link to the story.

Mass Shootings, Youth Violence
March 19, 2018
An Iowa State University press release on the
Report of the Youth Violence Commission by leading
International Society For Research On Aggression scholars on guns, violent behavior, and media effects. Click here for the press release. It contains a link to the ISRA website and the full report.
Media Violence Effects, March 15, 2018 A 30 minute podcast for Dr. Ryan C. Martin’s
blog “All the Rage.” The discussion focuses on the
scientific evidence concerning media violence effects on aggressive and violent behavior.
Video Game Violence Effects, March 11, 2018 A KCCI (Des Moines) news story on violent video game effects on aggressive & violent behavior. Alternative link to the video file. Alternative link to the pdf file.
Guns, Media Violence, Mental Illness, & Mass Shooting,
March 8, & March 29, 2018
An Op Ed article published in the Des Moines Register, in
response to conflicting (and over-simplified) claims by
President Trump, the gun lobby, and the video game lobby.The same Op Ed (with a few minor tweaks) that was published by the Washington Examiner.
Media Violence & Mass Shootings, March 8, 2018 A article on the link (if any)
between media violence and violent behavior. The linked pdf is the USA Today report.
Change Agent story, 2017 Highlight story on the Iowa State University
web site about Dr. Craig A. Anderson’s work and influence on violent video games. Published online on June 26, 2017.
Parent Tips, June 14, 2017 Parent tips on monitoring their children’s
video game content and time to ensure a healthy video game diet. Part of Richie Bernardo’s story on “2017’s Best Cities for Gamers.”
National Academy of Sciences Colloquia on Digital Media and Developing Minds 

October 14-16, 2015; Irvine, CA

A 4-day series of talks and discussions by leading scholars. To view the program list, click here.

To view the Video Game Violence segment click here

To view all presentations, click here.

Meet the Professors link
Seven 30 minute web-based interviews by
Professor Deana Pollard Sacks, for her online show “Meet the Professors,” described as a “A Sociopolitical
Educational Talk Show.”
Episode 1: Sex on Television and its Effects.
Episode 2: Bullying, Harassment, & the Courts.
Episode 3: Mass Media’s Influence on Your Mind.
Episode 4: Violent Video Games’ Effects on Children.
Episode 5: Racism in America and Implicit Bias.
Episode 6: The Politics of Mass Media.
Episode 7: Regulating Violent Video Games.
Media Violence & Parenting Interview with in media parentis
blogger Tina Peterson, Jan. 8, 2014.
Media violence effects, parental roles.
mp3, 39 minutes
Link to a November 2013 Podcast with Parent
Coach Institute’s CEO Gloria DeGaetano on media violence
effects and positive roles parents can and should play in
establishing a healthy media diet.
Video Games and Human Behavior  (web link, 26
YouTube interview with Gary Smith for his
blog “Button Bash.” October 17, 2013.
2013 New York Times article & opinion piece on media violence February 12, 2013 NY Times article (pdf)
February 12, 2013 NY Times opinion (pdf)
Media Violence & Gun Violence
mp3, 60 minutes
Interview by Nebraska Public Radio’s Lewis
Hernandez, Feb. 6, 2013. Panelists include Dr. Craig
Anderson, Chris Ainsworth (video game creator and
journalist), Bob Irwin (Owner, The Gun Store), and Patrick Miller (Editor, Game Developer Magazine).
Media Violence, Mental Illness, and Gun Violence
mp3, 45 minutes
Interviews by Iowa Public Radio’s Ben
Kieffer, Jan. 22, 2013. The first half is with Craig
Anderson on media violence effects. The second half is with Dr. Donald Black on personality disorders.
Newton, CT, Sandy Hook Elementary School Shootings, Dec. 14, 2012 *CNN interview on Violent Video Game effects. (mov)
*KCCI interview on Violent Video Game effects. (mov)
*Univ. of Michigan Aggression Research Program statement
*Interdisciplinary Group on Preventing School and Community Violence Statement
*APA Links
2012 Media Violence interview
In this 1-hour Iowa Public Radio podcast, host Ben Kiefer interviews Dr. Douglas A. Gentile and Dr. Craig A. Anderson concerning the recent international report on media violence effects.
2012 Bystander Intervention interview  (mp3) In this 22 minute interview, Iowa Public Radio’s Ben Kiefer interviews Dr. Craig A. Anderson about a recent subway train fatality in New York, and about what influences people to help in emergency situations.
2011 Reports on the Supreme Court decision on California’s Violent Video Game Law
June 27, 2011 CBS interview with Professor Sacks(mov format) 
June 27, 2011 Scientific American (pdf)  alternate link
June 27, 2011  Wall Street Journal article(pdf)
June 27, 2011 CA Senator Yee’s response
June 28, 2011 Slate(pdf)
Jon Stewart’s piece on the Daily Show(mov) very graphic
June 20, 2011 Game Spot story(pdf)
June 28, 2011 interview with Prof. Bushman(pdf)
June 28, 2011 ABC News(pdf)
July 5, 2011 Wisconsin Public Radio-Joy Cardin(mp3 45 min)
2010 Pediatrics for Parents articles and
extended interview on violent video games
Download the two articles on Violent Video Games and Other Media Violence that appeared in early 2010 in Pediatrics for Parents magazine by clicking on these links: Part1, Part2 (pdf). Listen to the extended interview (35 minutes) on this topic with Editor Dr. Richard Sagall by clicking here or this alternative link (mp3).
2010 Iowa State Press Release on the Violent Video Game Supreme Court Case  This press release highlights the role of two Iowa State University faculty members in the scientific aspects of the Supreme Court Case on a California law that would require parental permission for minors to purchase or rent certain types of violent video games. It also highlights why Professors Anderson and Gentile focus on the science and do comment on any specific law.
Violent Video Games and the
Supreme Court
Interviews inspired by the Supreme Court decision to review lower court rulings that laws restricting children’s right to purchase any violent video game are unconstitutional. (Note: Dr. Anderson never comments on the legal aspects, but focuses only on what the science has to say.)
April 26, 2010 CNN interview with Campbell Brown (mov format)
April 28, 2010 NPR interview, Diane Rehm Show (51 minutes mp3)
Global Warming & Violence
TV, radio, and newspaper coverage of research linking global warming to violence.
April 6, 2010 interview with Ben Kiefferon “The Exchange”
show on Iowa Public Radio. (30 minutes, mp3)
April 22, 2010 Ames Tribune article.(pdf)
April 22, 2010 interview on WHO TV 13, Des Moines, Iowa.  (mov format)
Violent Video Game Effects

(mov format)

TV news interviews about our new comprehensive meta-analysis that was published in the American Psychological Association’s journal Psychological Bulletin.
March 1, 2010 interview on KCCI TV 8, Des Moines, Iowa.
March 7, 2010 interview on WHO TV 13, Des Moines, Iowa.
Violent Video Game Effects 

(mp3 format)

A 2010 interview with Ben Kieffer on Iowa Public Radio’s The Exchange news and call-in radio show
about our new comprehensive meta-analysis that was published in the American Psychological Association’s journal Psychological Bulletin (24 minutes)  ( version)
News articles on our March, 2010 Psychological Bulletin article, which shows that violent video games are a causal risk factor several harmful outcomes. USA Today, 3-1-10, front page, (print version).
Washington Post, 3-1-10. (print version).
Ames Tribue, 3-2-10, lead story, (print version)., 3-1-10. (print version).

Video Game Violence Update

A 2003 article in the American Psychological Association’s electronic publication Psychological Science Agenda.

alternative link

Violent Video Games: Protecting Children
A 2004 article in the American Psychological Association’s electronic publication Psychology Matters, a compendium of psychological research that has had a positive impact on modern society.alternativelink

The Parent Report
(mp3 format)
Brief interviews (about 1
minute) in 2004 with Professor Anderson on violent video
games, by host Joanne Wilson, in MP3 format.
8/17/04,“Media Violence & Children”11/18/04,“Violent Media and Behaviour”11/26/04,“Rules Around Video Games”6/15/05,“Influence of Video Game Violence vs. TV Violence”
APS Address A brief report on Professor Anderson’s 2004
American Psychological Society’s address on “The Influence
of Media Violence on Youth”
JFK Assassination Video Game 

(mov format)


News stories and interviews concerning the video game “JFK Reloaded” on CBS and KCCI TV8.
Evening news with Dan Rather, 11/22/04

KCCI Des Moines news (TV8), 11/22/04

Long radio shows (mp3 format)
Todd Mundt-NPR show, violent video games, 1/8/03, 27  minutes.
Wise Guys, WHO Radio, media violence, 1/18/03, 41 minutes.
Iowa Public Radio, WOI, Katherine Perkins, media violence and our new book on violent video games, 4/4/07,
43 minutes.
Canadian Media Violence Report
(pdf format)
A 2004 report funded by the Government of Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General Office for Victims of Crime. This comprehensive report reviews political, research, regulatory and other aspects of media violence. It was written by Valerie Smith.
Violence in the Media – Psychologists Help Protect Children from Harmful Effects
Two 2004 articles in the American Psychological
Association’s electronic publication Psychology Matters,
a compendium of psychological research that has had a

positive impact on modern society.
CNN News Excerpt
(mov format)
An edited interview on violent video game effects which appeared on CNN on December 4, 2004.
APA Resolution on Violence in Video Games
An August 2005 press release on the American Psychological Association’s call for a reduction of violence in video games used by children and adolescents, and the full resolution, in pdf format. alternative link
Violent video game report & parent advice
(mov format) (flash format)
News story on WOI TV5 (ABC) in Des Moines, Iowa, 11/29/05, on the videogame report card, and parent shopping advice.
MSNBC interview
flash format    mov format
A 6 minute live interview with MSNBC TV on 9/19/06 on violent video game effects, and parental and industry responsibility.
Plenary Address at the National Summit on Video Games, Youth, & Public Policy
click here 
A 48 minute presentation at the Summit held October 20-21, 2006 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The Summit was co-sponsored by the National Institute on Media and the Family, a grant by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to the Iowa State University Center for the Study of Violence, and by the Iowa State University Institute for Social and Behavioral Research. The address was titled Violent Video Games: Effects and Public Policy.
Learning to Be Violent
mov format
An 8 minute clip on media violence effects, including Bandura’s Bobo doll studies and violent video game studies. This clip also is available as part of the supplemental package for Roy Baumeister and Brad
Bushman’s social psychology textbook.
CNKW Radio Interview
mp3 format
A 15 minute interview by CNKW’s Sean Leslie, radio 980AM, Vancouver, British Columbia. This interview of Professor Anderson and Professor Douglas Gentile discusses recent findings on violent video games from our 2007 book, and concerns about the video game Bully.
NPR/Justice Talking interview
mp3 format
A 6 minute interview with Justice Talking host Margot Adler (granddaughter of Alfred Adler) on the scientific facts about media violence effects.
eye on Psi Chi interview
pdf format
An interview by 3 Nebraska Wesleyan University students on video game violence, as part of the FAWL lecture series. Published in the Psi Chi magazine eye on Psi Chi and on their web site.
alternative link


Craig A. Anderson, Department of Psychology,
2237 Osborn Dr.
Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011- 1041
Last updated August 2024